2015年12月18日 星期五

The Golden Roof

14th August, 2015 Summer

It was his big love to bring me here. Not focusing much on Spanish cuisine, I had actually heard nothing about this restaurant, until it became my birthday lunch place.

Located at one level above Isono from the same restaurant group, Vasco is a Spanish (with a little French fusion) fine-dining place by Drawing Concepts.

The reception shares the same as Isono, and servers will guide you through stairs to eventually a rooftop with a greenhouse-like setting, and guests are the one to be pampered at this place.

This natural and clean environment instantly transformed into a golden interior design with dark wooden floorings and antique furniture when we entered. We were brought to a sofa seat which was quite spacious, at least not locating us too close to the adjacent table.

Lunch menu could be ordered in 2, 3 or 4 courses ($349, $389 and $558 respectively, plus 10% SC)
**Good to have a glance at the lunch menu online as they changed the dishes every month*.
 Sometimes you may get yourself indulged further by adding extra black truffle at $99 supplement, or a selection of cheese as a dessert at $49 supplement.

Vasco did have a very strong gastronomic sense in terms of the whole menu design. The ingredients could be so interestingly and creatively paired up, which you could never aware that their flavor profiles could that intriguingly match together. You would never be disappointed if you like something different.

Hors d'Oeuvres (5/5): What a nice start to have them kick start our tasting journey.

i)Jumbo green olive stuffed with Campari cream and olive caviar
I am a big fan of green olives but it’s always hard to find big sized green olive in HK, only chance you could find is in GREAT or those that have been prepacked in jars.

The olive burst with a lot of juices and it went so well with the olive caviar which smoothened the mouthfeel. I couldn’t taste much of Campari though but I believe it did contributed to this juiciness somehow.

ii)Fish cracker with bell pepper sauce
A soso finger food but the cracker was crispy enough.

iii)Pickle with salmon roe
Salmon roe was fresh to go with sweet pickles! Crunchy enough with sweet-and-sour.

iv)Curry infused caramelized pistachio
Manager highlighted this to us and explained that the nuts are intentionally packed in this small plastic bag for preventing from losing its special curry infused aroma. The bouquet was actually intense in the mouth with some caramelized flavors.

Amuse bouche (4/5): King Crab Meat, bell pepper, Black garlic ice cream and dried black garlic crunches

It was our very first time to try the black garlic ice cream! Interestingly sour at first and with some toasted bread flavor, the black garlic did paired well with the juicy crab meat.

Pain (5/5):

Very rarely would a fine-dining restaurant served only a single kind of bread. And I think Vasco did because they wanted to put their emphasis on their premium olive oil and butter.

Their homemade sourdough however was also deliciously right on the mark. Right when you tore a piece out, the steam came all over! It was really really a hot enough bread which you wouldn’t get it cold even when you finished.

Butter from Bordier: (From the left) Beetroot, Spinach, Tomato, Mushroom and Original salted
Girls would always be impressed with colorful dish! I particularly love the tomato and mushroom flavor as their characteristic flavor were more pronounced and intense. The original salted butter was amazing too, it was really silky and soft when spreading at your hot sourdough.

Olive oil Brand (Origin): Flavor like 
(From the left)
Oro Bailen (Spain): Green banana;
Mas Auró (Spain): Artichoke;
Santa Oliva (Spain):Almond;
Olivares del Derramador (Spain); Ripe tomato;
Terre Bormane Citrino (Italy): 30% Lemon Juice

Servers actually asked about our preference but we finally decided to have all five to try! All 5 olive oils did share one same attribute , they were all very complex in flavors yet so rich and elegant in bouquet.

I fell in love with Oro Bailen and Citrino. Both of them were of very strong flavor. Oro Bailen gave really grassy green banana taste; While the Citrino provided my first ever experience in tasting sour citrus olive oil. They were all so fresh.

Amuse bouche: Croissant with Iberico ham (4/5)

The manager recommended so much to us that this croissant must be consumed hot. We got a bite and that enduringly umami smell of fatty ham exploded in our mouth. Croissant itself was soft, moist but with crispy layers. Fantastic.

Asparagus curd with Mediterranean prawns, crunchy sweetcorn and a touch of spice (5/5)

Have you tried Mediterranean sashimi? This was my very first time to try red prawn sashimi. The plate decoration was really enchanting and the prawns were like swimming in a special “white ocean” – the Asparagus curd. The prawn was incredibly sweet and fresh, I could say this has been the best prawn sashimi (if not counting Scampi in AUS) I ever tried. Topped with the asparagus curd, the sweetness between vegetable and fish just doubled together so harmoniously. A very nice tickle to appetite!

Fregola risotto style with sea urchin, mussels and crustacean mayonnaise (3.5/5)

Fregola is a dot shaped pasta very common in North Africa, getting this special pasta cooked like risotto seemed interesting to us. The Fregola was slightly larger in size than we expected and was wrapped with reddish orange crustacean sauce. Mussels were small in size but juicy. To me, cooking sea urchin could hardly give a very pronounced flavor as it is to be eaten fresh. This dish could not get over of this barrier because additionally the crustacean sauce was so muscular to cover other ingredients. It was a bit not easy to finish the dish.

Fresh strawberries with shiso sorbet and yoghurt sponge (5/5)

I was very amazed by Vasco’s dessert creations with their inspiring and innovative ingredients. My another first trial to shiso sorbet also happened in Vasco. The sorbet gave a sense of sweetness like mint gum but at the same time brought forward the crispiness of Shiso. No doubt to be enjoyed in summer together with fresh strawberries and the fluffy yoghurt sponge. Very clean and refreshing to my palate indeed! 

Petit-Four: Hazelnut powder candy, caramel chocolate and Financier (4/5)

Out stomach were already so filled up when we finished the 3 courses (and all amuse bouche and breads). However, the petit four was just so beautiful that you could never resist it.

I was very much impressed with the hazelnut powder candy (wrapped in candy paper) as it was surprisingly creamy and infused with Nutella-like aroma which recalled so much my childhood memories.

Caramel chocolate was also smooth with moderate sweetness, while financier was a bit dry but eggy enough.

The climax of the day arrived when server brought me a birthday card with my name written; and an instant camera to capture this sweet moment. So thankful that my boy brought me here and arranged this little surprise.

Finally for Tea/Coffee, just knew that Vasco has a mixed Chamomile and Lavender tea. That was super super relaxing and lay-back when having a zip after this comprehensive lunch. Nice one :>

Service at Vasco was professional. Servers and Managers all around you are so humble and eager to help as always; they are also very experienced about the whole menu. I did enjoy the spacious setting in Vasco. There could actually be rooms for more tables but instead they make use of elegant furniture (and many are nice sofa) to setup each corner for best experience.

Just one thing that caused slight nuisance was the bumping noise whenever people walked on the wooden floor. Not sure but it was so obvious that I could always feel people coming back and forth.

To mention about “fine-dining”, I just keep one ruler to all: From the start to the very end, every served items should show passion. And I am so much impressed with this lunch because Vasco handles every detail carefully, from finger foods to butter; and from the furniture they used for dining and to the utensils they have prepared for you in washroom.

P.S. When browsing the webpage of Drawing Concepts, just recognized that one of the managers here was from my favorite restaurant in the past – Messina. Hope to meet him again in my next visit. :>

Vasco Spanish Fine Dining
中環鴨巴甸街35號PMQ元創方 Hollywood 7樓H701-H708號舖
Tel: 2156 0888
星期一至六: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-00:00; 星期日休息

2015年12月11日 星期五

A Big Thunder from Paris-Christophe Adams' Eclair

上月到東京旅遊時 到我最愛的高島屋超市逛逛
逛過日本的超市的朋友們都知道 哪裡的便當店,甜點店是很誇張地琳瑯滿目的

唯獨姐姐大推這裡的閃電泡芙 Éclair 在巴黎有名得厲害
那天剛好買了限定的焦糖蘋果, Marron (栗子) 及熱情果口味
晚上還在回味 瀏覽面書時
發覺原來Christophe Adams 繼巴黎日本之後 會在香港開店!
並已於黃竹坑設立了製作工房  看來是要大展拳腳呢

在金鐘太古廣場開了第一店不久 中環太子大廈分店也在今個星期開始營業了
問過兩間店舖負責人 都說每天大概三點泡芙就會售完

今日襯午飯時間到訪 從忙碌的工作放肆一下
大概快兩點來到中環分店 只有幾個客人在排隊
幸好有做功課 約略都清楚店裡有什麼味道

初次來的朋友也可以拿一份介紹看看 裡頭會列明每款泡芙主要的材料
以下為時日款式 大概比較受歡迎的味道會有兩行(對嗎?)


店裡還有三文治, 幾款預先包裝的巧克力及焦糖醬供客人購買
另外隨著聖誕來臨 也有推出禮物藍及聖誕限定泡芙set (一盒6件指定味道 $288)

雖然是外賣店 但兩間分店同樣 都有少許位置讓客人dine-in

眼見PASSIONFRUIT RASPBERRY ($38)只剩下三條 (雖然不知道還有沒有存貨)
而友人則選了我也很想一試的CITRON YUZU ($38)

塗在泡芙表層的是熱情果味Glacing 薄薄一層酸溜溜的
內裡的熱情果吉士餡超豐富的將所有空間都滿塞 熱情果的酸甜很平衡
不過跟東京分店的版本相比 這裡的熱情果香味略為淡了一點

CITRON YUZU ($38) (5/5)
友人吃了一口 嘩一聲 我也忍不住偷吃了一口
柚子真的清香得誇張! 吉士餡味道很清爽 酸度夠強
跟熱情果味相比 柚子魅力太強了!

我認為吃一件最正的閃電泡芙 就是能夠每一口都有冰涼順滑的醬餡滿瀉出來的口感
這裡的泡芙完全達標 而且甜度不會過份

友人說 $38 能有這樣口感及味道的甜點實在超值
我不能同意更多 在香港 普通一件Patisserie 價錢都加到四五十元的時代
Christophe Adams 的閃電泡芙真的又大件又抵食了
聽說太子大廈的SIFT/ COVA 的出品都是很多中環OL熱愛的下午茶小點/ 散水餅

L'Elair de Genie
Tel: 2554 7729
星期一至日: 11:00-19:00

2015年12月9日 星期三

內斂卻熱心的小店 - 玥屋

上月本想星期日到來一試 但一查才知道逢周日休息
是晚分外悠閒 於是再次來碰運氣 希望人不會太多

大概晚上七點來到 原來鋪面不大 
只有一張高枱能夠容納四人 及五個吧枱位
幸好當時還能於吧枱佔一席 (大概半小時過後就full house 並且陸陸續續有人外賣)

整間店由兩位師傅坐鎮 其實他們是應付有餘的 
但點了單後 等15-20分鐘是無可避免

晚市沒有套餐 只有一張點心紙單點壽司
在我進餐時 一邊聽到老闆跟旁邊的客人說明今晚的時令食材
有剝皮魚, 紅衫魚, 粒貝, 廣島蠔等 (魚刺身半條起)

壽司價錢 可真的很便宜 跟平常外賣單點壽司的很相似
大部分款式$4-$8 (例如: 三文魚, 鰻魚, 象拔蚌, 八爪魚, 馬刀貝, 原隻有頭甜甘蝦, 赤貝等)
較特別,肥美的$10-$20不等 (例如: 吞拿魚, 花之戀, 帶子, 劍魚腩, 油甘魚, 加拿大海膽等)
只有特別的珍寶牡丹蝦 $75
轉手卷加$3 便可

坐吧枱最好的就是能看師傅準備食材 雖然這次被刺身雪櫃一點點擋著
但也能粗略見到兩位師傅手起刀落 不停切魚片 開新魚
途中發現 師傅握好壽司後 會用小毛掃塗過醬油才遞上 而好感大增了超多
最喜歡的是像日本一樣 壽司是一件一件握好就上! 最新鮮就是這樣了!


墨魚 ($4)
師傅在魚身切的花紋 漂亮得讓我真的覺得這四元吃的是心機

油甘魚 ($13)
脂肪雪花紋滿報魚身 我會說這件是油甘魚腩! 有夠厚度 份量很足
入口超順滑肥美 油脂都溢出 很美味!

我一向的最愛最愛劍魚腩 比油甘魚更厚身
最喜歡劍魚腩口感夠爽 每咬一口都散發油香 這裡出品完全達標!

赤貝 ($8)
這件反而是不太欣賞的 明白材料方面要是用新鮮的必定做不到這樣的價錢

加拿大海膽 ($20)
但做軍轞最基本的 要紫菜夠脆這個條件 就很多餐廳也做不到
但這裡做到 並且海膽也新鮮夠甜 加上師傅的醬油更鮮甜
原隻有頭甜甘蝦 ($8)
又是一場刀功的表演 讓一隻甜蝦開了邊 除了腸 貼貼服服的躺在飯上 
雖然口感因為開半的蝦肉比較薄身 未能完全跟壽司飯完全平衡
但蝦頭有膏 蝦肉也是新鮮甜美 這壽司又是超值得點的
汁燒三文魚 ($6):
汁燒味道不夠 感覺是普通的一件燒三文魚壽司

廣島蠔 ($36)
就是剛好聽到老闆的推介 由於其他時令魚order 都要半條起
怕吃不完的了 唯有試試廣島蠔 老闆以甜醋汁加蔥伴生蠔 像prawn cocktail 一般
生蠔size也不少! 其實蠔味比較淡 但也有一點點creamy 跟甜醋汁滿配

蔥吞拿魚腩手卷 ($15)
吃完海膽軍轞 深感這裡的手卷一定不差
最後點了蔥吞拿魚腩手卷 希望給這一頓壽司餐一個美好的句號

果然 紫菜又是帥帥的夠香脆
老闆也真的很大方 餡料真的不少!
這裡的手卷包出來是長方體的 跟方間的有點不同
令魚腩蓉味道更香而且口感亦更嫰滑 魚腩是夠肥夠香的 不偷工減料喔!

大概是成本關係 店是用上現成加工的Wasabi (S&B)
但真的不能不大讚 師傅們的用心準備 以及一份對客人的熱誠
價錢親民得讓人驚訝 這裡的壽司絕對會讓你感動的

路上研究了一番 發現午市的壽司套餐超豐富 而且cp值是同樣高得讓人興奮!
一定會再來的 支持小店經營!

P.S. 若要提及可改善的地方 大概是刺身櫃外層可以更為整潔乾爽

Tel: 3488 6693
星期一至六: 11:00-23:00

2015年11月5日 星期四

The Epure Kitchen Journey

5th May, 2015 Spring

Sweet and thankful that my sister had finally put on her wedding gown, under this whole year from engagement to organizing the whole wedding ceremony, my family decided to round this important moment up with an elegant finish (believe it was actually a kick-off of this newlywed couple's brand new page) by joining Epure again for a decent dinner. 

In contrast with the shiny and forestry atmosphere in the afternoon, Epure turned to be a lot more romantic and elegant with its dimmer environment this evening. Golden linings along the interior walls, doors, and all utensils shone all over to adorn this beautiful dining night. 

To start off this evening, we ordered the 6-course "His" tasting menu, which comprised very appetizing oyster, foie gras, green asparagus which was on season, wagyu (with supplement $200), cheese and dessert.

Finger food (5/5): (From left: Comte cheese ball, Artichoke tart, foie gras ball with cherry glacing) 
-This very HOT comte cheese ball had its cheesy heart wonderfully melting! (It's like the Pizza Hut ad which you could pull the cheese string out!) The strong flavor of Comte was enhanced after deep-fried.  
-The foie gras ball made me think of another haute restaurant's signature lollipop. Nevertheless, it was also perfectly executed, with slightly sour cherry glacing on top and the umami foie gras filling inside. A combination that could never fail.
-Artichoke tart was refreshing enough to be stood in the middle of the other two and cleaned our palate.

Amuse Bouche (3.5/5): Pan seared tuna, topped with basil (green), olive (brown), lemon (yellow) and chilli sauce (red). 

The tuna was medium-seared with beautiful pink flesh. These 4 sauces were interesting, each paired with tuna to give its own typical character. But overall it would say it's creatively presented, rather than outstanding in taste.

Pain (4/5): Baguette, Croissant, Mustard seed bread, Black olive bread, Black pepper and cheese bread, soft milk bread
*With orange chilli butter and unsalted butter 

Have been writing about pain de Epure in my last review but this time they slightly earned their marks. The new flavor black peppers and cheese bread was ultimately impressive, imagine cheesy savory flavor lingered with exciting black peppers dancing on your palate. 
This piquant orange chilli butter was only spicy in nose and a bit salted only. It did complement all breads very well. 

Huitres de Bourcefranc(5/5): Special French Oyster, cucumber, melon & spicy crunchy peanuts

The dish setting was enchanting to kick a nice start of the night. The delicate french fresh oysters was carefully wrapped with a thin transparent greenish cucumber jelly and an beautiful orange french melon sorbet came along to garnish this hearty cradle. A nice blow of cooling dry ice vapor ran out over the dish once the servers poured water to the bottom of the dish. (The dry ice effect is always adorable, even for a milk tea in HK Tai Hing).

The oyster was remarkably crispy and fresh. I always agree that tasting freshly shucked oysters alone could retrieve its biggest taste. But out of our expectation this time, the honey sweetness of melon sorbet accented the oyster’s tang of ocean and went along so harmoniously with all ingredients. Rarely could an oyster dish offered such a clean finish.   

Chateau Haut-Brion 1993 (4/5): 

Daddy brought us one of his prestigious wines to Epure for our celebration tonight (as Epure has great discount on corkage: Purchased 1 in-house wine and receive 1 self-brought in full bottle corkage free). Again, not a big fan of reds, but found this wine rather intriguing. Garnet in color, a medium+ leather and blackberry aroma and hints of black peppered meat. On palate, it was a very elegant and full bodied wine with obvious coffee and smoky wood, medium+ alcohol. The black fruit revealed after it had been breathed along the dinner.

Le Foie Gras de Canard (4/5): Seared duck foie gras, poached rhubarb, Tonka beans sauce

Have been in love with Epure’s foie gras since my last visit and I did expect something new (or outstanding) this time. The foie gras was again thick and juicy enough, it just smoothly melted on your palate luxuriously. Rhubarb, with its natural tart flavor, has been used this time to offset the greasiness of foie gras. Impressed with the use of tonka bean nuts as sauce as it burst a wonderful nutty, vanilla-like and coffee aroma which exceptionally complemented the foie gras. A very special combination indeed.

L'asperge de Jerome Galis (3/5): Warm Jerome Galis green asparagus & mousseline sauce

Attendant suggested that Asparagus was just seasonal and I believed she was right. Keeping the texture crispy, and smooth without any residue, the flesh was also sweet and juicy. However, the mayo foam with lemon was a tad too oily, and seems it walked alone itself. It might be my prejudice that vegis should always be kept less oil and healthy when preparing them.

Le Bauf Japonais (supplement $200) (3.5/5):  Seared Kagoshima Wagyu striploin, pointed cabbage, cider jus

Before serving wagyu, a strawberry sorbet was served to clean the palate. Actually we had been more than 70% fed up when this course was approaching. This was meant to be the main course of the night but seems it had slightly pulled the climax down.

The potato soufflé was cute and airy, but again seems it did not participate much in this dish. Wagyu slice (not at generous portion) was at medium and its interior was pinkish, however it didn’t show up adequately with luscious greasiness nor meatiness. Cider jus at the side was a tad too sour in my opinion.

Trust me, desserts from Epure could never disappoint anyone, and we even got their in-house sauternes collection: Chateau Doisy Daene Sauternes 2004 (4.5/5)

A golden yellow hue sprinkling in the glass, you could feel its honey and apricot bouquet. The palate demonstrated even more strongly, with caramel, honey, peach jello, pear and dried apricot dancing all along. Just that the acidity could be more pronounced for a perfect balance.

Quelques Fromages de Saison (4/5): Selection of matured cheese by Xavier, from Toulouse, France 
(Starting from 12:00) Ossau, St. Maure, Tomme de Soulor, Cabrioulet, Roquefort

The cheese were very new to me, seems they were not easy to find at supermarkets except St. Maure and Roquefort. I especially love St. Maure, (I rarely like goat cheese) and Tomme de Soulor. Both was mediumly strong in character and revealed intense milky flavors. 

Le citron de Menton (4/5): Light lemon mousse, marinated pineapple, faisselle sorbet

I did appreciate Epure that they endeavored to exhibit perfect artpieces to you, you could never be pampered less from any aspects. This dessert was a good example which they made several layers of ingredients in this really tiny cup, pineapple compote and white choco coated rice crunches at the bottom and on top fresh and tangy lemon mousse with a zest of lime peel. 

A la carte - Le Souffle de Grand Marnier (Epure's signature dessert) (5.5/5)!

We picked our favorite souffle in Mandarin flavor out from the a la carte menu because of the highly acclaimed dessert reputation at Epure. The souffle was a pretty large one and the surface was beautifully smooth and flat. Spooned a mouthful out, you could see the very small bubbles formed a fluffy yet concrete souffle, and it went very smoothly, lightly like wind but at the same time reflected deep citrus flavor. Every single part of the souffle was densely packed, without any bigger holes or hollows you could find. This was absolutely the best souffle I have ever meet. Complementing with the Mandarin sorbet at the side brought out the full citrus bouquet. Truly well executed dish. 

Petit Fours (4.5/5): 

By the time we finished whole menu,  we were super full (and a bit drunk actually) to enjoy the Petit Fours. Nevertheless, the quality of these little sweets were still outstanding  (Attendants even asked us to try even a tiny bit as they just recommended so much on the mango tart and truffle macaron). 

For a wonderful restaurant like Epure, it would be definitely regretful if you missed the chance of visualizing this esteemed secret kitchen. Attendants invited us for a little "tour guide" to the cooking area and I was more than pleased to have this fascinating opportunity! The working environment in Epure was really really decent and hygenic as you could see, and I was really thrilled to have a little chat with Chef Nicolas and Chef Matthieu that night to know more about the other side of this pretty place...:'> 

*Corkage: For 1 bottle of wine purchased in house, they will waive the corkage of 1 BYOB :)
That's why we were so much eager to open our Haut-Brion here :) 

Tel: 3185 8338
星期一至日: 12:00-14:30, 18:00-22:00

2015年10月25日 星期日


來自日本過江龍的Bake 還記得第一天在香港開幕的時候
中午十二時到 隊龍非常長 隊頭告訴我排了三個多小時
最後還要暫停排隊 情況十分誇張

本打算還是有緣再聚 怎料男友為了慰勞我近來上班辛勞
在一天平日 特意到sogo排了四十五分鐘 勇奪芝士撻
在剛放工腦袋累了 肚子也有點打鼓的那刻 送到我眼前  真的讓我感動萬分

芝士撻 $20 (4/5) 

但其芝士的香氣 卻依然厲害
唯一是撻皮有点焗得過火 有少許燶了
但一入口 發覺撻底比半熟工房的厚身 是有點硬得像真曲奇一樣

咬開撻面的芝士薄皮 溶漿會瞬間漏出來 
微微的乳酸中和膩感 卻不會喧賓奪主 
我相信要是新鮮出爐的話 味道層次一定更鮮明

寫好這篇食評時已翻兜!! (這裡的圖片包括了這兩次試吃的)  

P.S. 第二次來 是25/10 星期日早上11點 
今次排了半小時 還可以接受
不過今次芝士撻不是新鮮出爐 接到手又是微暖的 :<

P.P.S. $20一個 $110 六個 現在沒有每人限買多少個

BAKE Cheese Tart