2014年12月18日 星期四

A Well Seasoned Wine Pairing Dinner

Credits to my company for an annual dinner that there could be such a wonderful eye-opening (and mouth-widening as well :p) experience at the Seasons. Well reported on food news everywhere about Mr. Elzer, no matter in the aspect of his background at Joel Robuchon, his creative inspirations or his previously launched tea set in wooden box. But despite these compliments for this restaurant, very honestly I have to permit that Seasons is really a place where I can get myself indulged with really nice ingredients. If to pinpoint, I would say the dessert is not as pampering as I expect.


It was around 6:30pm when we arrived the place. The outdoor was nice with wooden decorations and some plants alongside.
Separating the interior restaurant and the outside is the full height glass partition, it was with quite a spacious settings in between tables for the area near the entrance. While passing through the aisle will be another dining area with more chic but close packing seating. And we were arranged to sit at the spacious area under the romantic warm dim lights. 



Before we order, it was first served with bread baskets. A good assortments of breads which included brioche, chips, small baguette and spiced bread. Breads were nicely hot enough! Both salted and plain butter were available. Best pick would definitely be the spiced bread, which had rosemary, parsley on top and smelled really good.  Both salted and unsalted butter were available.

We in table of 8 decided to have Special Tasting Menu by Chef Elzer at 6-course (HK$1,188+10%). Thanks again for the wonderful lists of self-selected wine pairing by my boss that night, with a start of Champagne.


1st Wine: Jacques Picard Selection (Brut)
Light yellow in color. Very fine, soft and irrepressibly rising of bubbles from the bottom to make a little cute floating cordon. Very fresh lemon and unripe pineapple in nose. I actually tasted lemon cello and lime at first and then slight limestone at the back. A very agile champagne.


1.       Appetizer: King Alaska Crab in 2 ways with avocado (8/10)
The first dish brought us an ultimate freshness with the succulent King Alaska Crab. Was recommended to start from the bottom first. The avocado dressing complemented very well with plain shucked crab meat, and the top ginger mayo crab salad was impressive, the hint of ginger actually bumped back some freshness to the umami mouthfeel.
Wine pairing: Pairing clean seafood with Champagne normally could never disappoint anyone.


2nd Wine: Domaine Tollot-Beaut Chorey-les-Beaune 2009
Use of Pinot Noir at the region Chorey-Les-Beaune. Deep ruby red in color, medium+ nose with blackberries and herb tea. Medium- tannin, medium acidity with meaty and herb tea flavor again, hidden with a very slight red fruit notes at the end.
After breathing for an hour, a distinguishable note of cranberry and cherry was revealed.
*It is actually my very first time to use a Burgundy glass for wine…not a fan of reds but amazed with its wide big bowl and the wonderful fruity aromas flowing along.



2.       Soup: Beetroot soup with yoghurt (4/10)
The soup had beef consommé in base and a considerable amount of beetroot. Attendant recommended to mix the yoghurt together with the soup for more creamier texture. However, unexpectedly the yoghurt simply couldn’t melt (even I smashed it so hard…in a polite way). The soup was too heavily spiced with the black pepper (I guess) and salty as well. It was too just too hard to finish...my throat was really burning. Hopefully some beetroot and veggie dices were there to soothe my palate a bit.


3rd Wine: Cordero Di Montezemolo Barolo Monfalletto 2009 (Best Pick of the night)
Use of Nebbiolo from Monfalletto state. Garnet in color with noticeable amount of legs. Medium- nose with sweet blends of cranberry and strawberry jelly. In palate, medium- acidity, soft tannin with black fruits. After breathing, the caramel aroma immediately stand out in nose and even more outstanding blackberry flavors. A very elegant wine.


3.       Seared Hokkaido Scallop with lemon peel herbal butter (6/10)
Hokkaido Scallop was as usual sweet and with chewy texture, very toothsome and with reasonable thickness; herbal butter was always the best garnish for scallop.
The garlic potato foam at the side added a slight saltiness to the scallop, which was nice too. Though tomato and eggplant at the bottom of the scallop seem not to be on the same picture with other ingredients.


4th Wine:  Chateau Pibran Pauillac 2009
A blend of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon in this wine. Deep ruby color, black fruits in nose and sense of alcohol in nose. Medium+ tannin and acidity, high alcohol, lingering smoky wood, vanilla and chestnut flavor with lively unripe blackberries. A full bodied and complex wine.


4.       Seared Duck Foie Gras (8/10)
Very thick in size and is seared beautifully with crisp caramelized outer skin, wrapping the smooth, turgid interior. Lovely to enjoy it with the slightly sweet pear puree and fried apricot.
Nice dish.
Wine Pairing: Chateau Pibran was too strong for foie gras. I would always opt for a dessert wine with foie gras.


5th Wine:  Cullen Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2012
Not of much impression towards as I was already very full that time


5.       Traditional Pigeon Pie (8.5/10)
Having the previous dishes well going, this main dish gave this dinner experience a very final nice kick which pushed the night to climax. This traditional pigeon pie stuffed with wonderful amounts of pigeon meat and foie gras. Mushrooms and pine nuts which filled up the rest of the space ornamented with just right amount of chewiness to the pie, giving a very satisfying mouthfeel.
Was deeply impressed with the addition of Apricot because its slight sourness balanced the overall strong gravy taste. Lovely sweet gravy sauce on the dish which made the game pie very juicy and perfect.
Found this paired exemptionally well with the Monfalletto and Pauillac wine.


6.       White Chocolate Mousse with Earl Grey Ice Cream (3/10)
It was actually quite a big slip to have this dessert served after such a fascinating main course. The chocolate mousse prettily failed. Texture went very rough with the grains of undissolved gelatin embedded. Earl Grey ice-cream was so-so in taste with a very week hint of bergamot. But sweetness overall was adequate.  


In terms of service the whole night, attendants were all smart and professional. If more warm smiles and greetings could happen that would be sweet.
You wont be disappointed about Season's art on food :)

Seasons by Olivier Elzer
2505 6228
星期一至日: 12:00-14:30, 18:00-22:30

2014年7月26日 星期六

Good people drink good beer

主推Craft Beer 及 Handmade Sausage 的Craft Brew &Co
啤酒及香腸的配搭 從來就不會輸吧!
近來見到Beecrazy 的團購 才知道原來已經這裡開店

從中環地鐵站經半山天橋 一直上到Shelley street
轉左沿住Staunton Street直行 一路上其實已經聞到煎香腸的香味

Craft Brew & Co 剛好就在轉角位
兩邊門口全開 滲透著自然光 感覺頗relaxing

Bar Table 牆上超帥的裝崁了十多個水龍頭 每個都運送出不同的Tap Beers
聽說有些Tap Beer 更是香港製造 很不錯呢!
店裡亦有30多種不同的Bottled Beer 選擇 種類十分多元化

賣手工啤酒 不賣在市場賣得氾濫宣傳得泛濫的商業啤酒

相比Bottled Beer 老友記和我都對Tap Beer 比較有興趣
但乍看名字及酒精含量 難以估計味道
唯有問問店員有沒有推介 形容過我們喜歡帶有Fruity 及Caramel味道的啤酒
話未說完 店員就立刻走開 還以為要急著招呼其他客人
原來他走到水龍頭前 裝上一點給我們試飲 超爽快!

店員的兩款推介我們也十分喜歡 也就要了這兩杯Tap Beer

Fruli (圖左) (alc 4.1%, $48) (4.5/5)
酒精含量只有4.1% 所以很易入口
充滿草莓的果香 甜甜酸酸的味道減淡了啤酒的苦味
是十分Feminine的啤酒 大愛!

Barrel Project Failed (圖右) (6.7%, $48) (4/5)
一試之下焦糖味道比較微弱 反而是Grassy Hops的藥酒味比較出眾
苦味頗重 是酒體比較豐滿的啤酒

不得不提的是其中一款野味腸, 用兔肉, 蛇肉等製成

是次選了Chicken, rocket with Goat Cheese Sausage, 有老友記和我最喜愛的芝士 $78 (5.5/5!)
香腸可以陪熱狗包, 薯仔沙拉, 蒜頭泥或野菜沙拉
由於他所寫的"Freshly Baked Roll" 我忍不住要老友記成全我一次 哈哈

熱狗放在面前 香味滿溢 包裡夾住豐富的洋蔥.青椒 及紅菜頭醬
在這飽滿的熱狗上 當然不少得要放芥末醬
我就選了平穩的Dijon 及 能很有口感的Wholegrain

這裡的雞肉腸味道很夠很濃郁 大概是因為羊奶芝士的關係
味道混合起來帶點蘇香 質感爽脆 跟炒香過的洋蔥等配料同吃
煞是痛快 每咬一口 雞肉腸的肉汁都流到熱狗裡頭 不會浪費
不過要是沒有麵包一般品嘗香腸 老友記和我都相信一定會更難忘更滋味!

秒殺了一個熱狗 老友記和我對望 明白這一切都不夠喉
唯有下次要一人一個香腸餐 一杯手工啤 To get ourselves chilled again!

2014年6月9日 星期一

驚喜! 誠實謙虛的魚湯美味

住在太子及大角嘴交界 鄰近其實有很多有質素又大眾化的餐廳選擇
不過每逢星期日 我最愛吃的兩間店都會休息
所以午餐時段 除了爭鮮以外 有時候的確要動動腦筋

是日補習過後約下午一時多 本想著吃個清湯腩
雖然八一蕃沒有什麼宣傳 門口由於貼滿餐牌 幾乎將所由玻璃都封了
門面有點光線不夠 不過在我猶疑的五分鐘裡 一路上都有不少客人出入

出名原條烤魚用窩上 有不同口味 麻辣 剁椒 蕃茄 等等
吃完魚可以用魚湯打邊爐 亦有多款火鍋配料提供
午市則提供魚湯米線 可以配不用魚的部位

天時暑熱之下 我也就選了蕃茄魚滑米線 ($32) (5/5) 落單後 感覺上等了十多分鐘左右
正想請店員幫忙跟單之際 一大碗熱騰騰的魚湯米線終於上桌
店員的提點 [小心睇熱] 說得到肉 因為這碗米線真的冒煙冒得厲害
煮得軟溶的蕃茄則令湯頭帶淺橙色的 很有自家湯的感覺
魚滑大概有十件左右 還有足夠的娃娃菜絲 很豐富呢

呷一口魚湯試試 味道超級濃郁甜美
鮮魚的精華好像就已經濃縮到這碗湯裡頭魚奶香在口中滿溢 熬了不少時間的蕃茄的酸甜能帶出魚的鮮味 跟魚湯很對味每一口也非常暖胃 喝到最後喉嚨都沒有渴喉 是很誠實用心的美味!雖然午餐包一杯飲品 但魚湯真的已經多得又鮮味得不用再喝其他飲品了!

魚滑有別於一般街市買到的貨色 大概是自家製的
質感比較鬆軟 魚肉卻很豐富 吸了一點點魚湯味道更鮮 !

很欣賞這間店用料很多很豐富 製作十分有誠意
魚湯上桌時冒煙的那一刻就明白 有多少個地方能讓你喝一碗熱得心也暖的靚湯?

3568 5495
星期一至日: 07:30-00:00

DALLOYAU - A Taste of Heaven

數月前到海洋中心MUJI 的時候 已經留意到Dalloyau 的來臨
先前三月曾到大阪旅行 在心齋橋誤打誤撞的到過那邊的分店買個馬卡龍吃
隨印象不深 但很喜歡那邊店鋪十分復古的佈置
一眨眼之下 香港分店終於開業了!

已經看到Dalloyau 金色的窗邊 獨佔一系列的無敵海景
從店員口中得知 原來店裡頭分開兩部分

再往前走就是感覺輕鬆cozy的Le Cafe 有頗多Sofa Seats
也就是甜魔們享受著High Tea Set/Cake Set的地方
而剛才提過金色裝潢的地方 則要通過右方的Golden Gate 才能前往
那就是 EPURE - Dalloyau Fine Dining的地方了! (How Glamorous *-*)

其實一踏進Cake Shop 店員們就已經很友善很主動為我們介紹
真的很喜歡這裡的服務 感覺很平實 細心 亦很主動有禮
最怕走入一些走高檔路線的餐廳 就連侍應生眼尾放得很高
裝得很有架子的那種 連招待也稱不上的服務

急不及待要介紹一下 這裡的甜點了!

Religieuse Exotique ($58) (5.5/5)!!
Choux Pastry, Passion & Mango Cream, Exotic Glaze

聽店員說這個泡芙一定要凍食 千萬不要攤凍!
是超冰涼清爽的熱情果芒果醬 絕對會令你煥然一身
質地濃稠得有點像吉士醬 十分幼滑
芒果的微甜 配上熱情果的酸度 平衡得很
It's a Summer Heaven <3

Dalloyau ($58) (4.5/5)
Almond Meringue, Praline Cream, Crushed Caramelized Hazelnut

以店鋪的名字而起 相信是店中的Signature Cake
其實外表那層經焦糖烤過的榛子碎 真的已經讓心都溶化了!
喜歡焦糖的朋友不要錯過 因為這裡的焦糖甜度調教得剛好
微甜不膩回味帶甘 再加有少許的牛油香 很棒!
Praline Cream 打得很嫰滑 帶著濃郁榛果香
內裡的蛋白脆亦很鬆化 而整體蛋糕的甜度則由這個脆脆帶出
三種不同口感集合起來很精彩 很豐富呢:'D

無論是甜點的外型 材料 款式 很有法國古色古香的感覺

DALLOYAU La Boutique

Tel: 3185 8330
星期一至日: 11:00-21:30

2014年5月14日 星期三



今次則是因為爹哋的朋友把一支獨門清酒弄到手 高興得很
所以就相約晚飯時段到訪和三昧 欣賞美酒

把每一次都當成最後一次 恰如本份 做到最好
這個時候我就會想起日本菜中精美的懷石料理 連器皿都要經過精心細選的那種堅持
名字改得漂亮 內裡的大吟嚷更是優美
在福井縣出產售賣 就算在日本當地都未必能夠買得到
這支純米大吟醸 來頭可說不少
精米度只得16% 如此的低 (一般優質純米大吟精米度為30%以下)
換句話即是每顆米有84%的外層都被磨走 證明這支酒有多純正!
溫度夠凍 擁有像甜棗類一樣華麗的香氣
輕輕呷一口 味道十分甘甜 質感柔潤純滑 很易入口

喜歡嘗魚乾時有一點點微微嚼勁 沾少許美乃醬更是滋味

清酒煮蜆 (5/5)
看著廚師在鐵板燒爐上 用薄薄的錫紙碗加上清酒及大蜆同煮
那一瞬間冒火出來的場面 真的十分精彩
沒落過很多調味料 只用大量清酒熬煮
酒精揮發後 清酒變得濃甜 
大蜆剛好煮得開了口 在半熟的狀態就上碟 吸收了清酒 味道超鮮!
清酒湯才是精華 每一口都很甜美 <3

刺身拼盤 – 左口魚, 葡萄蝦, 三文魚, 大TORO, 海膽 (5/5)
由店長拍板 選材都是時令靚貨
刺身薄薄一片 卷上小香蔥 再沾少許酸醋同吃 十分清新
左口魚肉質彈牙 利用酸醋引出魚肉的輕輕的鮮味 很不錯呢!

肉質更黏更富膠質 蝦膏也是十分香濃
一嘗之下鮮甜得無語 +
真的就如店長所說 蝦肉真的很黏很甜  

將大TORO厚切 一件就夠 Really evil
淺粉紅閃閃爍爍的表面 又佈滿雪花的美麗Toro
由於厚切的關係 一嘴之下肉汁油脂非常豐富入口即溶 完全無渣 可是真的有點heavy 吃完一件已經飽了一半爹地說得很對 吃Toro 壽司絕對比刺身容易接受

海膽新鮮得更是不用多說 入口也是即溶 極鮮甜!

爹地好sweet 為我order了一顆我滿喜歡的赤貝 <3 (4.5/5)
因為不夠冰凍或不夠新鮮的赤貝 腥味總是厲害得難以接受
不過和三昧的品質當然有保證 (價錢也當然不菲 一隻也索價過百元)
但赤貝肉質爽口有嚼勁 很新鮮 也夠冰凍的

全晚的亮點都在這裡 也是由店長介紹的
赤鮭魚壽司(左) (6/5!!!)
第一次認識赤鮭魚 原來赤鮭魚魚身很滑 所以不容易捕捉 但這也是其珍貴的原因
想比起大Toro 個人比較喜歡吃赤鮭魚
味道超鮮甜 帶有淡淡的油脂滲出 肉質比較爽口
和一期一會十分搭配 很美好!

燒Toro壽司(右) (4/5)
燒Toro壽司 其實是油香滿溢的
不過由於剛才吃了一大塊Toro 感覺就有點過膩 是肚子不爭氣

和牛壽司也是這頓飯的亮點 油脂沒有Toro的豐富
不過牛肉燒得剛好 藏著十分有豐富的肉汁 口感十分順滑
加上少許的炸蒜粒 讓牛肉香都給帶出來 吃罷口中依然佈滿著濃郁的牛牛香氣!

配上美酒 和家人朋友好好相聚 的確是一期一會的一晚


2831 8989
星期一至日: 12:00-15:00; 18:00-23:00

2014年5月12日 星期一

Not enough character Bao Wow

Having been so popular these days in magazines, online medias that taiwanese cuisine is currently blowing fast to HK, Bao Wow has been one of those that goes a chic fusion with Westerns, but still maintaining its traditional head of taiwanese Gua Bao 刈包. 
If this name "Bao Wow" mean to bring us a "Wow!" impression after coming, I believe there are still rooms for them to achieve.

It was around 1pm when we arrived at Bao Wow. Servers were not very proactive but thanks for their arrangement that we in three could sit at the last table and was near to the open kitchen. Happy to see the Bao making process.

Ordered a Mushroom fishball to stuff up ourselves when we were waiting for our friend 
(2.5/5) $38 for 6 pieces
We actually a bit overestimated this snack by just looking at the name. Coming with a greasy outer coat when served, the look is not that appealing, and neither the taste. The whole thing is made by no-true-flavor fish meat with only very slight mushroom flavor on the "mushroom head". Not really yum:(

Traditional Bao (3.5/5) $58 for 2 pieces
  As heard from magazines, this traditional flavor comprises a long slice of bellypork. Seems evil but tempting, my friend and I shared 1 set so as to be not too guilty haha. 
  Condimented with some peanut crushes, fresh parsley and not too sour pickles, the traditional flavor seemed really taiwanese. The belly pork was soul of this bao, which has really been stewed thoroughly with red sugar and chinese old soya sauce, though I wish its taste could be sweeter and more exciting. Yet with the very juicy, supple texture and those melting collagens between meat slices, the pork really complemented perfectly with the taiwanese bao. 
  And I like the right amount of peanut crushes added which made the overall texture more complexed and fulfilling. Just a little pinpoint on its temperature, it could be served a lot hotter.
From the perspective of fast food industry, Bao Wow has successfully brought up a brand new chic element to HK. Yet if to target itself to be put on top of foodie's list, it might require some effort to fine tune its food and service.

Bao Wow
Tel: 2528 9505
星期一至六: 12:00-21:00

2014年5月11日 星期日


對於宏最難忘的 是那個豐富的抹茶芭菲
喜歡老闆對於食材的堅持  對抹茶的了解 對店裡食品的認真

今次在K11 逛逛的時候 經過宏的分店 
本來也只是window shop一下就算了 但店員十分十分熱情的招呼及介紹 
又讓我不禁停下腳步 再細味一番宏的甜点
店員仔細介紹店裡用的是味濃帶甘的宇治抹茶 (我亦將會分享近來對於抹茶的小認識) 

店員說得正興起之時 就遞上了一小塊抹茶卷蛋 

我也於是買了一件小抹茶卷蛋獎勵自己 4/5 ($10) 
(近來on diet 的關係 哈哈)
雖然個人覺得奶油稍微打過了 有一點點泡泡 
蛋糕皮不夠幼細 亦不太綿軟 
奶油溶化時會滲出的點點茶香 十分清新 
吃完時真的有回甘的感覺 美味!
吃罷真的大快朵頤 (+v+)

想一提的是店員 很友善把我安排到旁邊的座位
為我安排碗碟刀叉 告訴我要小心卷蛋四邊都有小膠條
這樣貼心的服務 在現時的香港餐廳 不易有呢
下一次再來試試這裡的抹茶Chiffon cake!

宏  Hiroshi
Tel: 2737 2665
星期一至四: 12:00-23:00
星期五、六及公眾假期: 12:00-23:30
星期日: 12:00-22:30

2014年5月6日 星期二

Eaten by The Dutch!

位於上環的The Dutch
店主熱情的招待 還有那份一百分的自信又大方 讓客人慢慢品嘗店內的所有芝士 讓我十分難忘

今次再訪 是因為近來和朋友經過時
得知有cheese and wine pairing happy hour 價錢亦頗化算 所以和兩位老友記一起到訪了!

坐下來真的彷彿有要進入芝士世界的感覺 fancy enough!

每天3-8pm都是The Dutch 的Happy Hour
我們三人行 店主就安排了每人各一杯酒及一盤cheese platter with 3 cheeses selection ($180)
我們最後選了紅白啤酒各一 也急不及待到芝士櫃試試各種芝士 找找這次的三甲之選

1. Truffle (5/5)
外表看罷普通 芝士上略有一點點黑色 不怎樣吸引
在雪櫃中亦是唯一沒放試食的味道 但大愛 黑松露的我們 仍然挑選了他做三甲

十分濃郁的松露香氣 加上鹹甜剛好的芝士
齒夾留香 慢慢細嚼 松露的味道久久不散
讓人難忘 超好味!

2. Farmhouse Aged (4.5/5) $49/100g
Farmhouse 的芝士是利用沒有消毒的天然牛奶製造
奶蘇味較強 而個人覺得比Gouda多了一種輕微的spicy味道 我十分喜愛
而這款有年紀的 亦當然會更硬身
最喜歡這款芝士中藏著一粒粒鹽的晶體 讓口感更特別
一開始品嘗的時候 芝士味雖然濃但帶有陣陣甜味  奶蘇味亦很重  少許nutty的味道再加上一粒粒晶體的脆脆口感 大愛!
配店裡的Cabernet Sauvignon 一般  偏高的酒體 蓋過了farm aged原來的濃郁香氣

3. Goat mild (4/5)
很欣賞The Dutch 也有羊奶芝士提供
味道不及farm aged強勁 比較斯文
質感亦幼滑多 奶味濃郁 奶蘇味亦會慢慢滲出 對身體亦都較健康
配Chenin Blanc 感覺不錯 頗能roundup goat mild的奶蘇味

Cheese platter 配有一些餅乾, pickles及一些cheese dip 發現這個dipping有mustard seed及dill 甜甜酸酸的 十分開胃 不過我們還是喜歡大喇喇的單吃芝士 吃出原始的味道!

一入口也非常難得地有淡淡的芒果清香 微甜的味道大概會受很多女孩歡迎啊!
一邊慢慢細味這裡美味的芝士 一邊乾乾杯和好友暢傾一番 真的十分寫意
Happy hour完後 有興趣外賣一些回家吃
幸運的原來order了cheese set 買芝士可以有九折優惠!

最後買了我的飛佛 - Goat X.O. (5/5) $52/100g
Goat X.O. 跟Goat mild 有著濃郁的奶蘇香

看罷份量好像不算多 但作為下午茶其實超級飽肚! (For girls)
每人只需$60多元 就能有如此美味的dutch cheese and wine pairing 
環境亦相當有privacy, really nice for girls' talk!

The Dutch Cheese and More
Tel: 3543 0081
Mon-Sun 11am-9pm